What Others Say

Thank you for your generous introduction to the shamanic work. I love your imaginative and intuitive approach to this level of experience, your sensitivity to images and dream contexts as well as your inspired musicianship! I think you are an artist in this domain.

     -- Anna Wexler - Artist and Anthropologist

"The Dream Dancers program has been a WONDERFUL experience for me. When I joined the Dream Dancers, I did so with expectations of growing spiritually and learning something new. My expectations were met, and exceeded! I expected to gain new information about dreams and dreaming. And I did. However, I derived the greatest benefit not as much from the content of the program (and the content was beautiful) as from the structure and the presentation of the program.

Larry and Claire "Not only did you help to make our time together a sacred time. You also helped to create a place of safety .I felt comfortable speaking my truth in Circle, and I knew, whatever I said, I would still be accepted, respected, and supported. That was extremely important to me. During the program, you helped me to face my fears, and walk through them. I definitely believe that my spiritual life has deepened. Being more willing to let the real me out during the Dream Dancers program has helped me to let the real me out more in the "outside" world. I now feel more secure with myself and who I am.

"You also taught me about good leadership. I learned so much from you during the program about how to lead, with respect, with compassion, with focus, with discipline, with open-mindedness, with responsibility, with humor.

"Claire, thank you for accepting me into the Dream Dancers.
"Because I knew you, I have been changed for good."

     -- Larry - Professional Accountant

"I can rewrite my history. I can see it differently. I am wanted in this world for who I am. I am woman. I am healed from the disappointments of the past."

     -- Bonnie Pavlak - Massage Therapist

"I feel blessed and my life has been enriched in more ways than I can list here because of my association with Claire Von Karls and my membership in the Dream Dancer Circle of which Claire is the founder and leader.

"My relationships with my daughter, two sons and 7 grandchildren are greatly enhanced since I began studying with Claire. I enjoy my children and grandchildren on a deeper level and am able to be honest and candid with them in a manner that didn't seem possible before my spiritual work began."

     -- Lucile Guild - Retired Business Woman

"This work, which I have been doing for many years, continues to amaze me. It appears that there is no end to the opportunity to grow and heal. The miracles continue. The magic is ever present. I feel so appreciative that my journey has lead me to this work. It has altered my life and presented me with possibilities I could never have imagined for myself. Thank you spirits. Thank you sisters and brothers who have the courage to embark on this journey. Thank you Claire for doing this work and sharing with all of us."

     -- Betsy Kraning - Music Teacher

"What a Dance this year has been! Through Dream Dancers, as well as other work I have done with Claire, I am finding my way "home" -- back to what I used to know but have forgotten along the way. I am finding my way back to the light, to spirituality, to healing, to trusting in my own intuitive wisdom. I am finding my way back to "me"! I have been able to incorporate the tools/techniques and information gathered through my Dream Dancer experiences into my everyday life which has helped to deepen, improve, and broaden my relationships both on a personal level as well as on a professional level. Dream Dancers provides a magical, rewarding, insightful, encouraging and safe environment in which to work and play. I am very excited to be continuing my Dream Dancer journey in the fall! Thank you so very much Claire!!!"

     -- Nora Clark - NH Business Consultant

"I hope you know the many ways in which you have saved my "life" (and I'm sure I am not alone in this). I don't know exactly what your dream was when you began this work....what you envisioned...As it is, you are a miracle worker in my eyes, and I am certain I am only one of so many women whose lives have been changed (so positively) because they knew you! My unending gratitude (and lots of love!)"

     -- Cheryl Foster - Business Owner

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